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Human Resources & Benefits

The Human Resources Staff

The Office of Human Resources is staffed by dedicated professionals who are committed to partnering with employees to create a positive, inclusive and productive work culture. While all of the human resources staff are trained to answer general questions, specific staff members administer particular benefit plans and programs.

Know Your Benefits

Each day faculty and staff make an important commitment to Smith College—the commitment to work to the best of their ability in support of the college's mission to provide the highest quality education to women. The college is proud to offer a variety of benefits because it recognizes that the continued dedication and support of its outstanding faculty and staff are what make Smith a great place to work.

NOTICE: You have until 30 days after your hire date to submit your benefits elections to Workday.

2024 Benefits Guide

Benefited Leave Time

Spending time away from work is important to achieve a good balance between work and life. Smith understands this and provides many opportunities for flexibility to spend time as needed. These benefited leaves include family-related leaves; flexible work schedules; and holiday, personal and vacation time.

Payroll Information

If you have questions regarding your paycheck, taxes or direct deposit please contact the payroll office.

Employee Handbook

The Employee Handbook explains the employment policies and benefits for administrative and support staff of Smith College. Each member of the college community is responsible for reading and complying with these policies and procedures.

Smith College Code of Conduct

Smith College's Code of Conduct outlines principles, policies and some of the laws that govern the activities of the college; employees (faculty, staff and students) and others who represent the college must adhere to these.

Parking at Smith

The college has only 1,560 parking spaces for more than 2,080 registered faculty and staff vehicles. Unfortunately, there are no easy and quick solutions. The proper use of available parking space combined with enforcement of parking rules and regulations is critical to both vehicular and pedestrian safety and to preserving the beauty of the college grounds. Campus safety requests that all members of the community comply with the spirit and the letter of the regulations at all times.

Smith College OneCard

The Smith College OneCard is a multipurpose photo ID card issued to all Smith students, faculty and staff. Your OneCard identifies your status at Smith and provides access to a variety of campus services.

Working Safely

If you are injured at work or while performing a job-related function required by the college, you must report the accident to your supervisor immediately and complete a First Report of Injury Accident Report form within 24 hours. Workers' compensation insurance provides partial income replacement and medical care payments for employees who experience a job-related injury or illness.

Wellness Resources

Employee Wellness Program

To promote healthy lifestyles, Smith sponsors various wellness programs.

Campus Resources

Campus Center

The 56,000-square-foot Campus Center provides students, faculty and staff with a comprehensive environment for social and intellectual interaction. The Office of Student Engagement complements Smith's academic mission by providing and supporting opportunities for learning through cocurricular involvement.

Campus Center Café

The Campus Center Café offers a wide variety of food and beverages, including gourmet pizzas prepared in a stone hearth oven, salads made to order, homemade soups, Panini and deli sandwiches, and grilled foods including vegan and vegetarian selections.

Campus Police

The Smith College Campus Police department is committed to protecting the lives and property of the Smith College community. As a part of the larger college community, Campus Police strive to foster an environment where diversity is celebrated; where all are made welcome; and where all rights are preserved.

College Relations

The Office of College Relations communicates news and information about Smith to the media, other off-campus constituencies, and the campus community. It also fosters involvement in the community to increase communications and maintain positive relations between the college and the city.

Computer Store

The Smith College Computer Store sells hardware, software, accessories and more at educationally discounted prices. The store offers computer systems from Apple and Dell, as well as printers from Epson and HP. With a valid Smith College ID, students, staff and faculty are eligible for the store's special pricing. If the store doesn't have what you want in stock, it can be special ordered—often at an academically discounted price.

Copy & Print Services

The Copy and Print Services department provides a variety of services for the college community, including distribution of campus mail, preparation of outgoing mail, automation and addressing services, mail metering, parcel shipping, direct mail, and a full range of postal services, including shipping by United Parcel Service.

Disability Services

The Accessibility Resource Center coordinates and provides accommodations and support services to persons with all types of disabilities.

Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity Resources

Diversity in all aspects of the educational environment is necessary for achieving the highest level of academic excellence. At Smith, we place a high priority on achieving and supporting diversity among our students, faculty and staff in the areas of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, disability and age. We believe that when a community is rich with varying perspectives, outlooks and values, the potential to prepare its members to deal more readily with complexity and to participate productively in a pluralistic society is greatly increased.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management is responsible for the majority of maintenance, repair and alterations to Smith's 120 residential, academic and administrative buildings—with a total of approximately 2.8 million gross square feet of space on 125 contiguous acres.

Information Technology Services

The User Support Center (USC) within Information Technology Services (ITS) provides telephone, email, web-based and walk-in support for Smith students, faculty and staff. The technical support analysts in the USC help users resolve problems with standard desktop software, electronic mail, database and query tools, voicemail, printing and the Banner system.


The Office of the Ombudsperson (ombuds) is a safe place for faculty and staff to talk in a confidential and neutral environment about concerns such as a conflict with a colleague or supervisor, the need for a difficult conversation or any work situation that you’re unsure about how to handle. The ombuds will work with you to develop effective options for addressing concerns and resolving conflicts. 

Smith Network Account

Your Smith Network Account provides access to the following services:

  • Google Apps for Education (Smith Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Google Drive, etc.)
  • Moodle
  • Smith Portal
  • Smith-owned computers
  • Network storage
  • Wired and wireless networks
  • Library resources

For more information, see ITS's Technology and Network Adviser page.

Smith College Bookstore

Located on the ground floor of the Campus Center, the Smith College Bookstore is your one-stop source for textbooks, school and room supplies, general reading materials, Smith memorabilia, gift ideas, photo developing and more.

College Publications

Grécourt Gate

The online Grécourt Gate delivers news and events for the Smith College community.


eDigest is sent to all campus email accounts on Tuesday and Thursday each week during the academic year, and on Tuesdays during the summer. This helpful resource provides important notices, college news, events, links to articles of general interest to the community, deadline notifications and other college information.

HR News & Policy Updates

The News & Policy Updates page is where human resources posts all the latest news, events and announcements.

Staff Council Chronicle

Since its inception in the spring of 1992, the Smith College Staff Council has provided a comprehensive communication network for the exchange of information between staff and administration; organized collegewide programs to facilitate personal and professional growth; promoted collegewide discussion of issues through public meetings and forums; and planned "extracurricular" activities such as trips to New York City, cookie swaps and the media exchange.

The Smith College Directory

The online directory is a searchable database of staff, faculty and students. It provides campus mailing, phone and email information. Photos are only accessible to users of on-campus computers.

Faculty Housing Assistance

Second Mortgage Plan

The college offers a second mortgage loan to eligible newly hired employees who are relocating to the Northampton area. The plan is designed to enhance the college's compensation package and to encourage the purchase of homes in the local area. More information is available from the Office of Human Resources.

Rental Housing

The college owns a limited number of private dwellings and apartments which are rented on a space-available basis. For more information, visit the Five College Rental Housing office or send an email to

Contact Provost/Dean of the Faculty

College Hall
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063